Saratoga County Sheriff’s Mobile Command Center

Mobile Command Center
The Saratoga County Sheriff’s Office Mobile Command Center (MCC), obtained through a grant from Homeland Security, consists of a communication room and an incident command staff conference room. The communications center is equipped with a fully integrated P25 trunked radio system, and other types of specialized technical equipment. This radio system allows the MCC to communicate with the Sheriff’s Patrols, New York State Police, all of the County’s Fire and EMS Agencies, several Municipal Police Departments, and the County Highway Department. Computer interfaces allow the MCC to link into the computer systems located at the main Sheriff’s Complex, and access databases via the internet.

Mobile Command Center
The vehicle is self-supportive and available to respond to a variety of situations, such as Homeland Security Incidents, Criminal Investigation support, and to serve as field communications for large scale events within the County. The MCC has been used at a variety of events in our communities. The vehicle has also taken part in Homeland Security trainings and has served as an incident command post during these trainings. The vehicle is currently operated by members of the Saratoga County Sheriff’s Office specifically trained in the operation of the vehicle.