The Saratoga County Sheriff’s Office offers property checks to Saratoga County residents while their residences are vacant. Deputies will periodically stop by and check residences for open doors, broken windows, or any other suspicious circumstances. This service will only be provided when Deputies are available and not handling other duties of greater priority. There is no guarantee that property checks will be done daily.
This service is provided for residents who are gone for a minimum of 5 days and a maximum of 90 days. Requests for house checks must be made at least 48 hours prior to departure date.
Property owners acknowledge that the Saratoga County Sheriff’s Office does not assume any liability for loss or damage to property. Residents acknowledge there is no guarantee that vacation checks will be done daily.
Complete the following form to arrange for a property check. Please include the name and contact information for a key holder for your residence that we can contact in an emergency. Fields marked with * are required for successful form submission.